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Related Networks and Events

Networks and websites

  • Online resources of meta-analysis in economics by Czech National Bank and Charles University, Prague: Link

  • The Institute for Replication (I4R). 

Related Networks and Events

MAER-Net Reporting Guidelines & Practioner's Guide

Reporting Guidelines 2020: To further improve the transparency and replicability of the reported results and to raise the quality of meta‐analyses, the Meta‐Analysis of Economics Research Network has updated the reporting guidelines after our 2018 MAER-Net Colloquium, which we hope all will follow. 

Practionier's guide to modern meta-analysis 2023: This paper provides concise, nontechnical, step-by-step guidelines on how to conduct a modern meta-analysis, especially in social sciences.

MAER-Net Reporting Guidelines

Meta-Regression Analysis in Economics and Business Textbook

The purpose of this book is to introduce novice researchers to the tools of meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis and to summarize the state of the art for existing practitioners. Meta-regression analysis addresses the rising "Tower of Babel" that current economics and business research has become. Meta-analysis is the statistical analysis of previously published, or reported, research findings on a given hypothesis, empirical effect, phenomenon, or policy intervention. It is a systematic review of all the relevant scientific knowledge on a specific subject and is an essential part of the evidence-based practice movement in medicine, education and the social sciences. However, research in economics and business is often fundamentally different from what is found in the sciences and thereby requires different methods for its synthesis — meta-regression analysis. This book develops, summarizes, and applies these meta-analytic methods.

You find the book here.

Meta-Analysis Textbook
Bulletin of Economics and Meta-Analysis

Bulletin of Economics and Meta-Analysis

The purpose of the Bulletin of Economics and Meta-Analysis (BEMA) is to provide a forum for recent meta-analyses in economics, to publish fresh research quickly, and thereby to improve the quality of meta-analytic research before it is submitted to traditional scholarly journals. We seek to publish, electronically, short notes and longer abstracts that briefly sketch recent research about meta-analysis or that employs meta-analysis. It is assumed that all notes submitted will contain links to longer working papers. Authors wishing to have their notes considered for publication in BEMA should submit them for review to:

Contributions must be 500 words or less, include the internet link to a more complete working paper, and contain the author's e-mail address.

  • Supplemental Appendix Tables:  Limitations of PET-PEESE and other meta-analysis methods. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2017. T.D. Stanley.

  • Protocol for testing the McKinon-Shaw hypothesis on sub-Saharan Africa: A meta-analysis of the evidence.  Anande Semwenda. Protocol 

  • Exchange rate uncertainty and export performance: What meta-analysis reveals? Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi. Abstract 

  • Does the UK Minimum Wage Reduce Employment? A Meta-Regression Analysis. Megan de Linde Leonard, T.D. Stanley, and Hristos Doucouliagos.  Abstract   Paper 

  • Which Foreigners are Worth Wooing? A Meta-Analysis of Vertical Spillovers from FDI. Tomas Havranek and Zuzana Irsova Abstract 

  • Renminbi misaligned? Results from meta-regressions. Iikka Korhonen and Maria Ritola. Abstract

  • Re-visiting the health care luxury good hypothesis: Aggregation, precision, and publication bias? Joan Costa-Font, Marin Gemmill and Gloria Rubert. Abstract 

  • Explaining development aid allocation by growth: A meta study. Hristos Doucouliagos and Martin Paldam. Abstract 

  • The Use (and Abuse) of Meta-Analysis in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Assessment. Jon P. Nelson and Peter E. Kennedy. Abstract 

  • Meta-Regression Methods for Publication Selection Bias: Simulations and Heckman Regression. T.D. Stanley. Abstract 

  • A meta-analysis of development aid allocation: The effects of income level and population size. Hristos Doucouliagos and Martin Paldam. Abstract 

  • Are recreation values systematically underestimated? Reducing publication selection bias for benefit transfer. T. D. Stanley and Randall S. Rosenberger. Abstract 

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